A rukus of or relating to nuccas
Those damn nuccas created a nukus 37 times!!!
by friedniggastew February 28, 2004
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1. The most important member of the ev-nova.net community, who is also the admin of Nukuland, Nukuland 2.0, Nukuland 3.0, Nukuland 4.0, and Dodohaven AK.
2. The maker of Nuku's World/Box.
3. Developer of the EV Nova TC, Hostile Waters.
4. Mod of the forum for Hostile Waters.
Nuku pissed DS off on IRC.
by nuku March 9, 2005
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A word that i made up that can replace any word and have many meanings at random times like kupo
this is very nuku,


she's being nuku abought this.
by Richard June 20, 2004
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newly developed viscous, slimy mixture of mucins, water, electrolytes, epithelial cells, and leukocytes that is secreted by glands lining the nasal, esophageal, and other body cavities and serves primarily to protect and lubricate surfaces.
I woke up this morning with a head full of nukus.
by dfender97 November 30, 2007
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Is a very awesome man. loves woman. is super funny. did i mention hes awesome ?. he has so many friends and everybody enjoys his presence. he has w style and super cool glasses that are totally not from shein. everybody likes nuku
that guy is so nuku like man hes above the conflicts of this mortal realm
by Hattywastaken July 30, 2022
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Nuku is a straight up Original Gangster and he would drop anyone and everyone is sacred of him
Nuku is a straight OG
by Sanitulli November 23, 2021
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