A shortened term for a Smirnoff, which in this case usually refers to the Smirnoff Ice, or another flavor such as green apple, which are malt beers.
Man 1: "Dude, I'm buzzin from that noff I just downed."
Man 2: "Are you serious? Those things are weak, man."
by 0theoriginalanon0 August 3, 2010
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slang for "smirnoff ice". Use this term when you are in a public place or near adults who wouldn't think kindly of you tryna get Smirnoff Ice.
Underage Individual: Yo dude, you tryna get me some noffs?
Bogs: Yeah bro, my man is visiting his grandparents in East Jesus, he'll be right up to buy us some. It's only like 14 hours.
Underage Individual: Woordddd.
by Booo Radley July 18, 2008
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a surprising, unexpected event occuring to someone, where reason says that the person being acted upon would not enjoy the outcome of such an unexpected event; on the contrary, the viewer is rewarded with the elated, welcoming reaction from the actee as the unexpected event unfolds. May be used outside of sexual contexts.
Bill: dude... i totally stuck it up her ass last night! and she liked it!! i thought she would hate me...

Ted: whoa... what a total noff crime.

:::Protagonist dictating joyously to the on-site Reporter:::

Protagonist: "I am entirely grateful to the city workers who broke that water mane that completely destroyed my backyard by flooding it! I would have never found out that Jimmy Hoffa was buried there! I'm currently in auction on eBay for the highest bidder for his casket! 43 MILLION DOLLARS, HERE I COME!!"

:::Reporter gives vain, hypocritical, empty smile to Protagonist:::

Reporter: ... what a noff crime...
by ez 1ostin:tr4Nslation October 18, 2009
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Maci: Wow, she's is such a noff, she's never been loved in her whole life.

Isabella: Yeah, such a sad creature.
by A Noff February 27, 2020
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Person 1(The instigator): "Hey, you look mad. Do you want a hug?"

Person 2: "Fuck noff!"
by ShadowStarling November 3, 2022
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