The explicit statement of disgust after someone leaves you dangling
Grayson shouted “No Dangles” after Josh’s poor shot left much to be desired
by Lomeana April 21, 2018
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Maily used in the sport of hockey, it is to deke around your opponet with the puck in a fancy fashion.
You just got dangled.
I dangled that guy out so bad.
by Rim Job Rob February 19, 2008
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In hockey, when a player makes a move around the D by moving (dangling) the puck around one sie of the D and skating around the D the other way, meeting up with the puck and lighting up a SNIPESHOW™.
That niggas got some dangles!
by SNIPE SHOW DANGLES May 17, 2007
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In hockey, where a player can really handle the puck well. Either skating or stick handling around other players. See Don Cherry 17 for visual examples
"Wow that guy has sick dangles!"
by zhep03 January 2, 2006
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To use exemplary skill and stickhandling ability to manoevre oneself around the ice. Often displaying a variety of sickmoves.
by daniel miles March 16, 2005
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An exemplary display of absoludacris manouevers within a specific sport.
Charlie Newlands epitomizes dangling in hockey.
by Colin Wilson December 23, 2002
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To make a nasty move around an opposing defensmen, which results in the dangler continuing in to score a equally amazing goal, all while the beaten defensmen is either on the ground in sheer shock, our just generally looking stupid.

Danglitis - a slightly contagious disease in which one cannot stop dangling.

Snipertosis- a slightly contagious disease in which one cannot stop picking corners, or finding holes in which to score nasty goals.
Youngblood just dangled the shit outta that kid.

That kid with the sick flow has a serious case of danglitis.

Cookie shows some serious symptoms of snipertosis, and he has a nice ass.
by Yoooo its Vito May 15, 2006
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