n. a vague uncertainty that is immensely frustrating

v. to give a vague uncertainty that has no meaning and frustrates the hell out of a person

Origin: Named after the multi-national corporation whose name has become synonymous with moronic, meaningless corporate-speak, the name Nielsen became attached to the vague, empty promises that bosses give their employees, particularly during evaluations during the recession.
ex: I don't know what my plans are this weekend, its just a bunch of Nielsens so far.
ex: I went in there determined to get some straight answers, but he Nielsened the hell out of me.
by drone123 March 8, 2010
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Named after Kirstjen Nielsen, Trump-era Secretary of DHS who famously tried to rehabilitate her public image following committing atrocities at the US/Mexico border (see: caged detainment of children in squalid concentration camps).

To NEILSEN is attempt by a person, who was willfully complicit/ordered unthinkable, inhumane actions, returning to the very society they violated. Usually done through minimizing, or misrepresenting, the horrible actions for which they were exiled.
Uncle Rodger got drunk and drove his car into the dining room last thanksgiving, now he’s trying to Nielsen his way back in to Christmas diner like we all didn’t see what he did.”
by Joeh202 October 23, 2019
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One of the most popular spoof comedy actors, well known for roles in the Naked Gun series and Airplane!. RIP
I am serious. And don't call me Shirley. - Leslie Nielsen
by Magneto_Caknseco November 30, 2010
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a person who makes sure your team loses in a soccer game.
"what the fuck Mikkel Nielsen?!?! how didn't you catch that ball?"
by Lil KroGhLY May 1, 2019
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The act of spanking your sexual partner with the Holy Bible, or something that resembles the Bible. This is a common practice in BDSM and Fetish’s. The significance of Nielsen is there is a type of paddle used in BDSM practice that is called a Nielsen Paddle.
I thought Ian was a nice church boy, until he bent me over and did a “Naughty Nielsen” On me.
by TheLoaners July 10, 2018
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sexiest man alive, so fun to be around and so good at zombies
did you see that 360 no scope?

probably a Ty Nielsen move
by sexyAsian420 March 9, 2021
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