When you watch netflix with a girl for four hours but don't do the chill part
Adam and Emma watched Family Guy for four hours on her bed. Their heads touched, sparking a romantic atmosphere about the room. Much to his dismay, Adam left without making a move. Thus Adam had a case of"Netflix No Chill".
by freakshow123 February 2, 2016
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Something you tell your parents when you want your boyfriend/girlfriend to come over and you fuck
girlfriend: Hey mom my boyfriends coming over to watch Netflix and chill.
mom: Okay sweetie have lots of fun!
Boyfriend: okay babe, ready to fuck?
by stella1235 November 26, 2015
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Netflix and chill is how you end up with chill-dren.

Enough said.
"Netflix and chill?"
"No, that how we end up with chill-dren."
by uh.hell.noo April 9, 2016
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A euphemism for inviting someone over to their place to engage in sexual activity. Thus the expression, "let's Netflix and chill!" should be understood by the hearer as "let's come over to my place and fuck!" The genius of this phrase is that it gives both parties "plausible deniability" when its true meaning is prematurely exposed so no one has to lose face (the inviting party can say, "I was just talking about watching movies and hanging out" or the invited party can say, "You're talking about watching movies and hanging out, right?")
John: Hey Tammy, let's netflix and chill tonight.
Tammy: OK!
by morpheus30 September 28, 2015
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code for two people going to each others houses and fucking or doing other sexual related acts
Brad: "Hey Julia wanna come over and watch Netflix and chill"
Julia: "Sure I'll pick up the condoms"
Brad: "Wait I thought we were just gonna watch Netflix and chill?"
Julia: "Netflix and Chill means we fuck, dumbass"
by laxbuhl7 April 27, 2015
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