variation of "nope" which is slang for "no".
1: you goin to the movies tonight dude?
2: nerp.
by jaaaasmin August 30, 2007
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When you can see a man's or woman's hard nipple(s) protruding through his or her shirt. See also smuggling raisins.
Man, Chris and Mason were nerping hard when the air conditioning came on!
by FRizzo August 23, 2005
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Nerps - almost always used in the plural, when referring to a set of nipples.
She had chewy nerps.
by Judster October 10, 2004
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(adj.) A Nefarious Twerp, or a Nerp, is a loud-mouthed individual with an over-inflated opinion of him or herself, who forces uncomfortable small talk in lifts or tight spaces. Experts in saying absolutely nothing in a lot of words. Typically comes in the form of a recruitment consultant, estate agent or a sales executive.
"I ran into John again in the lift on Floor 2, the doors didn't close in time"

"What a Nerp!"
by obnoxiouswordssoundsmarter November 17, 2015
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what doesn't it mean?
Allie : *taking notes in world history*
Justin: nerp
by IEatMuchoRice March 31, 2010
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Verb .nerped The act of recklessly searching for absolutely nothing and everything onecan possibly think or sing about.
You feel like coming with me to nerp Through that neighborhood we seen earlier?
by Wtheckk April 29, 2020
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the state of mind where there is no longer a state of mind
usually happens late at night while your drinking energy drinks that contain tons of caffeine...the best nerp drink is Mountain can tell your nerping when you laugh uncontrollably for no apparent nerp hour is usually 3am but you can nerp at anytime...usually you begin to nerp when you're really cant force yourself to nerp, it comes naturally...Silly in a manic sort of way, as in the frame of mind induced by too little sleep and too much caffeine
by nerpingguineapigpigpig September 20, 2010
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