One of African ethnicity and having Mongoloid like features; a dumb nigger
Me: Hey Cletus u see them niggers over there?
Cletus: I see a couple of coons over there but thats it.
Me: Yah im talking bout them negroids over there lets go getem
Cletus: Im game but first lets get naked with our sisters and touch each other
by Niggerbop April 13, 2009
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Of or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair and including peoples indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa.
Scientist 1: This negroid seems to have sustained significant burn tramas to the skin.

Scientist 2: He was most likely burned at the stake by a divition of the Klu Klux Klan.

Scientist 1: What should we do? This guy looks like hes about to die,

Scientist 2: Good, let that nigger die.. breathing our air. Shit fuck! cough cough. I mean, umm, we must do every medical procedure available to us to save this man from this horrible death.
by Mike B May 24, 2005
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a negroid is a black robot that takes time 2 speak, is slow like a fax machine and just doesnt talk
zeeeeeeeeeeeeettt ,goes the negroid,
by sam and matt d October 6, 2005
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A negro on steroids and/or a negro's steroids (Object of infatuation, eg: White females).
Charlie: Wow, aren't you worry negroids will make your testicals smaller?
Tyrone: I have **** to spare, son!

Faggotry: She's my little buttercup!
Ebonics: She my negroid!
by Common Mispelling: Nazi June 14, 2006
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1. Synonym for blackhead. Subcutaneous dirt appearing black or brown (mole like) clogging a pore causing it to swell.
2. noun, adjective- Conjunction of Negro + Android, To form a term for African American automatonism- just going through the works as defined by extraneous social systems of behavior.
1. I got totally spiffed up, but she's not even going to dig my shit because of this frickin negroid.

2. This dude's got it all figured out- He's got all the duds, and he's just spittin a bunch of negroid bullshit.
by Dustin crops November 10, 2006
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