A regional high school where all the boys are pro athletes/ fuck boys. All of the girls dress exactly the same, so that you can't tell one basic bitch from the other. All of the potheads are either slimy or homosexual. The other 19% of the school are hicks from deep Hamden. All in all they're one the same because they all have an abundance of money to complain about.
All of the rich white folk from Minnechaug wear Vinyard's Vines long tee's.
by DeezChaugNuts May 16, 2017
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A regional high school in Wilbraham, MA. Known for being amazing at sports. Very rich kids attend this school. They are all either potheads or jocks. The girls dress up everyday. The boys are "lax bros".
I used to go to minnechaug, but then i realized I wasnt good at sports
by chauger April 15, 2011
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a place outside Springfield, also known as The Chog, where everyone has an attitude and the girls enunciate phrases like "oh my god" so that they are "ohh myyy gowwwdddddddd"

-my cousins are from minnechaug, they never shut up, have a really bad attitude, and hate it when i make fun of how they talk.
by motrucker November 19, 2007
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