Losing to an opponent because of his good luck.
You're playing a game with reasonable amounts of luck, such as backgammon, and you have executed wonderful strategy, and are poised to win. Your opponent then proceeds to roll double after double to pull the win out from his ass.

You have just been "McCluskeyed"
by wijim April 15, 2011
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The act of offering to show your privates to the partner of the owner of the home in which you temporarily reside.
Suh dude, can you believe Olympia got McCluskeyed last night?!
by WutAThyme March 28, 2021
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Named after 21st Century sandwich visionary Jarrod Douglas McCluskey. (7/11/1985 - Present.)
A method of cutting any square/rectangular shaped sandwich - be it toasted or fresh - into two deliberately unequal portions. Starting from ABOVE one corner, move the knife across the bread towards just BELOW the opposing corner, the slicer must exercise full caution to ensure the creation of two delicious triangles; One acute, and one obtuse.

The purpose of the McCluskey Slice is so that the consumer can first enjoy the smaller (acute) triangle, while feeling safe in the knowledge that He/She still has the larger (obtuse) triangle left to devour.
You better cut that mother fucken' sandwich using the McCluskey Slice.

This one time, my Ex-Mother cut my sandwich into to perfectly equal triangles . . .
by Johnny Dragon March 19, 2013
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While behind your partner having sex in the doggy style fashion (either vaginal or anal), the partner fucking (top) reaches up and tases (with either a TASER or stun gun) their partner in the side of the neck as they ejaculate. Giving them both an electrifying orgasm and a jolt of energy for a second round.
Last night I gave the wife a McCluskey Special right in the neck… it really shocked the hell out of her.
by hotshotmpls September 10, 2006
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One you refer to as Chubs
Have you met Adam McCluskey? Oh, you mean Chubs?
by Egg cup February 28, 2019
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A Hansome dashing man easy on the eyes and can be seen as a god at times minus his one weakness salt he is overall quite a legend.
Wow I’d like to get with that Tyler McCluskey.
by Cuntpuntter25 May 20, 2018
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