An unusually hyperactive and adorable animal that needs to be taken extreme care of. It is mostly known for its funny antics and prettiness. But beware as it can shout at a considerable volume on being raged and can start weeping over anything that is even remotely emotional. It can be mostly found with it's friends in the wilderness; just be careful of hurting it's massive ego or it will bite ya.
Friend: "Hey, what is that ?"
Me: "Oh that, thats just a wild Markimoo in it's natural habitat."
Friend: "But why is it running around with peanut butter on it's face ?"
Me: "Shh...We don't question anything."
by girl with defination April 7, 2018
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Another famous name for the youtuber Markiplier.
Markimoo is so adorable.
by Greengirl06 March 5, 2016
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A nickname for the famous YouTube game commentator Markiplier
Only our dearest Markimoo could pull that off.
by SliverBeeScreams November 24, 2016
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