The last name of a westernized (typically Jewish) liberal. Originally descendants from Jerusalem that have been dispersed within the Americas due to unfortunate circumstances.
Person 1 : "... and that is why I am an avid supported of circumcision"
Person 2 : "I would've never taken your last name (Liberman) as Jewish?"
Person 1: "Well it is! Unfortunately, its been westernized because of the holocaust, depriving me of my true roots"
by Lucas Patel September 8, 2020
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The jew of all jews, also known as superjew. Collects pennies and is stingy about anything to do with money.
Joe: Look, a penny! Good luck, eh? (bends over to pick it up)
Liberman: Fuck you, it's mine! (Shoves Joe, steals penny and runs away)
by MistahJ January 2, 2009
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An act of stinginess.
Mary: That guy didn't even tip me!
John: He pulled a Liberman on you, eh?
by ineedanamegoddamit November 30, 2009
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