the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. Smart, Attractive, Funny.
i wish i was just like kylin, but im a just a ugly dog compared to her.
by Bk Krip April 26, 2008
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The hottest boy you will ever see and you will never forget him or get over him that how hot in cute he is
kylin the cute boy in are school.
by how. June 11, 2017
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An amazing, talented, wonderful girl, with a great personality. Always there if you need someone to talk to, even if it's just about cakes, or something stupid like that. Despite what she thinks, she's an AMAZING friend, great actor, and beautiful blonde. A geek, but honestly, who doesn't like a geeky girl??? She's awesome, and if you see her let her know!
Fred: Did you see Kylin over there? She's a great person!

Ed: Yeah!!! She's a great friend, too!
by Psuedonym26 March 22, 2012
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A fictional animal in an ancient chinese fairy tale which represents luck and happiness. It's appearance is that of a dragon and a lion. Male is called Ky and Female is called Lin.
The Kylin came and ate my mother-in-law.
by Lei Wang June 8, 2007
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He is charming and always there when you need reassurance. He is kind, sweet and loveable. He will put you on a dangerous and strong vibe. He can also be a ass sometime but he knows it's cute.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd November 13, 2019
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The most beautiful person ever. She is the sweetest kindest person you will ever met. She is super smart, funny, caring and everybody loves her. She always has the cutest gayest dog ever.
by Jakanrjkrsua November 6, 2019
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A super hero who wears super sized bras on her head and over her shirt.
Made up of:
0% Self Esteem
100% Dorkyness
"What's that in the window?"
"It's a hobo!"
"It's a lesbian!"
by NamelessBeeotch September 10, 2008
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