Anti-Semitic, morphine addict and retarded on most occasions. He is a god at Counter Strike: Condition Zero and hated fortnut users. Sings Russian anthem and often rushes B he is a great friend when he is not overwhelmed with morphine overdose.
Wow! Why are you so hyper today?

Kojiro: Blyatt!!
by DADOCOOLTANKER123 December 17, 2018
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Someone who's is adopted in a poor area, commonly a skinny person with small eyes.
Don't be such a Kojiro, Hieu is better
by Icarus123 January 16, 2017
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Fisting two girls at once (preferably identical twins) and wielding them like swords.
The "Sasaki Kojiro" technique is also known as the "Niten Ganryuu (二天岩流)" in Japanese.
by demi-dono February 4, 2021
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1. Pretentious
2. Pretentiousness
3. A 16 year old prick with a badly designed website who makes weird, unfunny films about puppets and big toes.
by Jules Carrozza June 20, 2003
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History's greatest loser. Who trained against the effigies of his idols.
Sasaki Kojiro "It's a monologue because your position is already been made clear. Before you were even made aware of my existence which side of the gun you'd be on was already determined. You were always going to going to file in behind the person holding the weapon. No one is ever going to step out in front of the gun because people holding it will always shoot through you to get to me."
by Hym Iam June 15, 2022
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