An amazing individual who is very cool and chill. He is very social and loves to be around people. He eats rice, and he is known to be very nice. This person loves haters because they make him work harder.
Yo, Jerick! Swaggin' it out bro!
by Boom54lol April 22, 2013
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Jerick is someone who is the best at everything, usually does better than people around them. He is especially better than Robert (in basically everything, however Robert may be better at been gay).
"Robert give up, I shall always be better than you" SaiJerick
by Robert sucks cock March 4, 2022
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Jerick has a real problem telling people to fuck off
by J Buster November 23, 2021
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Jerick, An awkward individual who likes racist jokes and tends to be very skinny, A jerick only eats rice and usually has some form of odd feauture such as an ulcer, A Jerick also tends to work-out but never goes anywhere. A Jerick is also not very good at school. A jerick likes to think he/she is the dominant species but really isn't
Person 1: Man! I just failed this easy english test...
Person 2: Dude your such a Jerick....
by killerleb99 November 8, 2011
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Jerick is a person, typically a male who loves to engage in activities such as countless hours on redditt, eating and having frequent bowel movements. Jerick is a guy you can trust with your life once he gets to know you.
Yo Jerick, are you really going for another dump?
by americaeighty8 April 17, 2014
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A person that is short but really good at every sport especially basketball
You know Jerick Orduna?

Yeah Jerick Orduna he’s good at basketball
by Mr Juego November 24, 2021
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