Name given to someone who is a jerk but doesn't deserve all the letters and the 'r' is removed.
You're a jek for cheating on me.
by Jerrick March 21, 2004
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Jek is an acronym for Jizztasic Extremely Kool. Often used when something is so amazing you can't think of any other word to describe it.
Jenny: DUDE. Did you just see that yellow mustang?

Sophie: Yeah, it's so jek.
by Envious J-rizzle July 28, 2011
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To be humiliated or disgraced in seemingly any way.
Bro, you got jek'd...


Get jek'd bitch.


Jeka te llamo biotch.


Get jada'd
by ZDFreg June 18, 2011
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To fail an attack. A miserable attempt
With a jek jek like that, it's no wonder we lost the war
by Ain't got time for that January 11, 2015
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The act of farting in a room, only to immediately leave.
Josh went to the kitchen, after jekking at his desk.
by grugggg July 27, 2011
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A pringles addict who smokes weed and grass
Tan jek suan
by jek suan February 27, 2014
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A name to call someone who is really cool and sexy and has the initials J, E and K. Although this is complete randomness its a good laugh.
My burdy......hehe

Jek Molde is my burdys nickname sometimes when i feel random
by Greeting Beale February 9, 2004
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