A term used to describe when your good friend sleeps with your girlfriend. Usually when it is not known to you.
I got jeffried last night when i was out of town for a wedding, cant believe he slept with my girlfriend.
by ButtonUp October 9, 2020
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To be jeffried is to fall asleep usually in a public/awkward place and to have a friend/stranger snap a photo beside your sleeping self. Hilarity ensues but if the jeffrey is done properly, it will be stealth and you will have no idea until you log on to social media. Named after Flipping Out's Jeff Lewis, whom has the best and most creative jeffrey's ever!
I jeffried Mike last night when he fell asleep at the bar, what an old man!
by peeptoe December 19, 2013
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The act of unexpectedly getting screwed over by one of your close friends, loved ones or business associates. You know it's coming, but every time it happens you are still somehow surprised, you would not think someone that close would stick it to you again.

The person's name does not have be Jeffrey, it is the name of the person who created the act of being Jeffried

Synonym: being screwed over, fucked, hosed, swindled, scammed
When the bill came, I ended up paying $30 for a piece of cheesecake; Jeffried again!
by Everyday is Thursday April 16, 2021
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A term used to describe being overly intoxicated, usually having over consumed multiple inebriants. Getting 'Jeffried' has less to do over consumption of a given intoxicant and more to do with the number of intoxicants one has consumed.
Sorry about attacking you last night. I really shouldn't have taken those pills after drinking, smoking and doing coke all night. I was totally Jeffried.
by Sheik.Yerbouti October 26, 2010
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A really hot athlete. He can get every girl. He is the nicest person you will ever meet. Many people are jealous that they can’t have him but he denies it.
Your dating Jeffry? Your so lucky.
by onlyfactsonlyfacts November 9, 2018
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Jeffry. The type of man who can impress anyone within minutes of meeting him. He defines the meaning of the perfect guy. The man also loves the movie Morbius, like we all do, I once went with him to see the movie on my 29th time. Jeffry gets so excited everytime he (Morbius, he's a Marvel legend) says the line. "It's morbin' time". I am even shaking right now while writing this, he can not contain himself.

Jeffry says his immune system gets a temporary boost and he would immediately shoot up from his seat, point his finger at the screen and shout "HE SAID IT!" This has happened for 29 times now (everytime I watch the movie). Jeffry's parents have disowned him now but he is happy as long as he get's to hear the line. He loves Morbius!
Also he loves showing the GTA hot coffee scene to potential partners but we don't speak of that.
What a jeffry
You hear what jeffry did?
My homie, Jeffry at it again
I freaking love Jeffry, he makes everyone morb
by EnriXEva June 22, 2022
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can be used for any race. Jeffry is a chill person and doesn’t give a damm bout anything; he rly like to look for trouble but doesn’t enjoy the consequences. He pretty cute but if u fall for him jus don’t get to attached cuz he can be confusing when it comes to feelings. just be honest and open wit him and he’ll do the same💜
Jeffry also will always put him problems aside and help out wit his niggas problems instead his own.
by Itssavvyray😘😝 October 12, 2018
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