Quite obviously the most gorgeous contestant on 'American Idol Season 7.' Jason plays the drums, guitar, and sings. He's known for being the 'one with dreads' on the show.
Jason is Colombian, but was born & raised in Rockwall, Texas. He has also appeared in the MTV reality show 'Cheyenne' & in her music video for 'Hanging On' as her love interest. Jason also once mimiced Ryan Seacrest in the beginning of a show when he said 'this is american idol.' (youtube it to watch)
Me: Have you seen Jason Castro on American Idol??
Her: Yeah, he's wicked talented and lovely tbh.

by mclaura April 18, 2008
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the guy with dreadlocks, bright blue eyes, an amazing voice, and mad guitar skills from Season 7 of American Idol.
Girl: Oh my god did you watch American Idol last night?! Jason Castro looked SEXY!
Boy: YEAH he did. And I must say, the dreads were lookin mighty fine!
by clare m April 7, 2008
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