making big or moderately large plans with one of your friends, family, or acquaintance. and at the last minute - abandoning then all at once with a very very stupid or pussy-ass reason.
Alex: so Jake, me and Mickey are on our way to pick you up.

Jake: Dude... i don't know if its gonna work out this time man.

Alex: why not? we've been planning this for like, two weeks!

Jake: dude... i like... stubbed my toe real bad. i cant even walk on it. it might be broken.

Alex: Jake-in' out! of course!
by Gazetti January 15, 2008
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To hide like a bitch and watch your buddies die or getting raped top lane by renekton
Dude #1: Help me David!
Dude #2 Ignore that bitch. He' just jakeing out
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"This party's getting too big. It'll be jaked-out any minute now."
by Anonymous7777777777 September 11, 2006
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The act of a good friend leaving a function, or party, without saying goodbye, because it is not what they want to do. They usually a 1986 Cream Yellow Thunderbird. They usually listen to an ipod with headphones, while driving.
Fuck that guy, he's Jakeing out!
by Krispee Kranberry Sauce July 14, 2009
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The act of leaving work ten to twenty minutes before anyone else via a preordained excuse, and trying to be stealthy about it so that nobody catches wind of you exiting the door.

Also known as a "Parrish Pass"
Jake: "What time is it? 5:15? I have to (insert excuse), think I'm going to Jake-out. Have a great weekend!"
by mattjerz March 24, 2011
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While playing Texas Hold'em, it is the act of folding before the flop for a small bet ($1-$2) then getting a winning hand on the flop. Usually it is a full house or better.
I can't believe he folded a Jack/Seven suited when 3 sevens came out on the flop. That was a real jake out...
by Jeff Boy RD April 14, 2013
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When your love for food has you zoning out.
Dude #1: *Thinking about food*
Dude #2: Hey dude, why are you staring off into the distance.
Dude #1: sorry dude, I was jakeing out...
by Timbenjamo December 30, 2017
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