can be pronounced either as I-Fram or I-Frum.

This word was introduced to the English language on October 27, 1991. It's meaning changes, depending on how it is used. It can be used in place of different words in a form of teasing, such as: lame, loserface, cradle robber, and/or biter. In other situations, this word can be used in place of different names or titles, such as: besterestest friend, boyfriend, and/or babe.
The most accurate definition of Iphraem is: honest, kindhearted, loyal, sweet, cheesy, trustworthy, funny, cute, lame, thoughtful, amazing, reliable, lovable, respectable, charming, and/or caring.
She's lucky, her boyfriend is such an Iphraem.

That's Iphraem, her besterestest friend.
by nikachu(: November 2, 2009
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The reason why the word lame was invented. A person lamer than a lame person.
"Why are you being such an Iphraem??"
by miss.independent.O1 June 11, 2009
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