The act of crossing a busy road, anywhere you like at your own pace regardless of approaching vehicles. Ultimately having a complete disregard for the road users.
There's no pedestrian crossing Dave, how will we cross this busy road?

Don't panic Geoff, we'll just Insulate Britain our way across this mo-fo!
by Stretchyboy October 21, 2021
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A group of ordinary people who want our government to take a simple first step in tackling the climate crisis & fuel poverty. If the government chose to fulfil one of their manifesto promises, it would slash carbon emissions, drastically cut fuel poverty rates, which would save 8000+ people annually & it would create hundreds of thousands of meaningful jobs.

They’re committed to non violent civil resistance, which involves blocking highways until they’re arrested. As soon as the government release a meaningful statement on what they plan to do regarding insulating Britain… people will get off the roads.

Minor Disruption/Inconvenience < Climate Breakdown
Oh looks it’s those Insulate Britain people who’re doing what they’re doing for my kids future
by bulldogg7659 November 23, 2021
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