I like you, I'm into you
You're just my type so I'm feeling you.
by Lia294485 April 14, 2017
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The typical bullshit, don't give a fuck, patronizing response from an "authority" when you tell them what you really think.
Worker: "This job isn't worth the gas it takes me to drive my car in every morning, the shit I put up with should never have to be tolerated by any human being. This job's for the fuckin' birds."

Boss: "I'm sorry you feel that way."
by SpeedyG123 February 21, 2010
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What you say when somebody openly disagrees with you or contradicts your statement, but you really could give less of a shit, and don't want to start an argument, so you dismiss their words by boldly stating your sarcastic happiness about his opinion.
Jake: You shouldn't have robbed that bank.
Me: I'm glad you feel that way
by KingOfTheFort February 24, 2021
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