An emergency can be as personal and small as a bad hair day or as big as trying to improvise during the shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be silly or serious. How do you emergency is a question that travels between the two to provide a sense of empathy and comedic relief.

Some examples of how one might emergency-
-eat tacos
-sing in the shower
-dance wen there is no music
-become horizontal

-dress your best
-stretch your fingers
-pull your toes
-walk indoors
-walk outdoor
-take pictures of what you see
-make lists
-open to page 85
-make a diorama
-place stickers in obscure places
-procure dust bunnies
-write a poem about an orange
-clean up an ant spill

-manage microwaves
-exit the window to the rooftop
-pull the e-brake
-make magic out of wood sticks
-pull up grass blades
-clap your hands
-snap your fingers
-tap your toes
How do you emergency? These days I emergency by counting my chickens and collecting hail.
by AcyrlicAstroTurf March 13, 2021
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