The Korean term that refers to someone with less experience in usually business
Person with less experience: Can I study with you Sunbae?
Person with more experience: Ok Hoobae
by Kayoshiwan April 29, 2018
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A type of sandwich containing Peanut Butter, Cheddar and Cucumber
That crazy Turkish guy is always eating Hooba Sandwich's
by simba84 July 30, 2008
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A name that you call somebody if they for a variety of reasons, or for not reason at all.
'I asked him if he could go, but he said he was 'busy'.' "Wow, what a hooba."
by HoobaDooba2 December 8, 2010
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Hooba Dooba (Hoo-buh-du-buh) variable 1. A word which can be used on many occasions. For example, "She just Hooba'd my Dooba". By common sense you should know what it means. Or when you do something crazy like jump out a window. It can also be used as a random word. For example, "Well this has gotten awkward, Hooba Dooba".
2 verb. Something you say randomly
1."You know what I'd rather do? *jumps out window* HOOBA DOOBA
2."Hey, wanna Hooba my Dooba in that capsule?"
3."Ho-hoo-Hooba Dooba?"
4."Hooba Dooba. "Audience Claps"
That was amazing! Hooba Dooba
by DoomGuy21 October 22, 2017
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