Extremely gorgeous, independent with the most beautiful eyes ever. She can be a shoulder to cry on and a friend to laugh with. Great music taste, very under appreciated. Back to gorgeous, she's a heart stopper. You get lost in her eyes and smile, she has amazing hair and all of the boys would love to just get a lick.
"Oh my.. that Havanna is just so beautiful, I would love to make her mine and get lost in her eyes"
by 123eatme August 10, 2017
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a very wet poop left in the toilet for others to see, especially after a heavy beer drinking night
Holy cow, you should see the havanna omlette in the fraternity house crapper. Who ate corn?
by matt1968 September 29, 2007
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crapping out a turd resembling the shape of a havanna cigar.
The man asked the host for directions to the bathroom, because he had to "heave a havanna".
by Phil McCrevus August 15, 2007
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A Hartz 4 Havanna is an Electric Cigarette.
You can also say Hartzer Havanna
Nowadays a lot of people smoke Hartz 4 Havannas instead of usual cigarettes.
Oh look, Andreas started smoking Hartzer Havannas.
by Hartzer Havanna January 22, 2018
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havanna is a really funny and unique person she is average height and sometimes she has a kinda sarcastic personality she is a really good friend but she is the type to casually come around and go but you know that she will always be a great friend because you have known her brother for more then half of your life
havanna is a good friend
by sydneyfaletulu5110 June 12, 2022
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