A funny reddit meme that has some guy driving an invisible car with the text "HOW IS THIS MAN" at the top. How hilarious.
"How is this man" driving an invisilbe car???
by Slicee January 19, 2021
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first u get in hotel. then get in hotel ruum then get in shower turn shower on. but u sad u have no bathtub. saddd

it just is when tooo poor to get a bath in bath tub
Dick: I want to how bath man.
James: yeaa i knoww samee
by I hav a+ in sceanice February 18, 2021
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So you lean in and say: no i kis man
Hey yur hot but i dont know how to kis a man if your a man *leans in fur a kis then says: no i kis man how to kis a man if yur uh man
by Tannon+Eli February 8, 2022
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The most important question you will ever ask another human.
"Hey Bill!"

"If a moose-man is bad, how bad is a man-moose?"
"Well, I guess if it is the opposite, it would have to be good, right?"
by <ShiverBurn> November 26, 2013
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Yeah, bitch, I saw it. Better believe I saw it. I see everything.
Hym "Along with the statement 'Women nowadays don't know how to keep a man' there is an implicit assumption that you could keep me. There is just so much arrogance packed into that seemingly innocuous statement that it's hard to take you seriously. And I know. I know you're sitting there thinking 'I wOuLdN't WaNt To-' IRRELEVANT! Entirely irrelevant! The point is you COULDN'T if you had to. You know I am the wrong person to talk to about what you want."
by Hym Iam March 3, 2023
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