Anyone with that last name is cool. They are also fun, caring, and great at sports. They are very attractive, and if you know one you're blessed. They are most always popular, and nice. They are strong-willed and sarcastic, but do not forget that they will take the shirt off their back if you need it, even if they complain they're cold. You can always trust a Guglielmo!
That's a Guglielmo? I knew it! She/he is such a qt!
by ighiojrha;jkfgb<33 August 30, 2011
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Basically omniscient, especially when it comes to judging buildings in NYC. Sexy AF, loving and warm, with a Guglielmo you always learn something about architecture. Guglielmos, pronounced Goo-Yell-mo, usually live on upper floors where they can assess and check construction sites on the street below and update their friends on any progress. Everybody loves them, Guglielmos are a rare blessing that only few are so lucky to have in their lives.
What would a Guglielmo say about Hudson Yards?
by googmatt November 23, 2021
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the hottest sexyiest pedo anyone has met she cums at the site of year 13s and will beat you up if you cant make her cum she has fucked everyone in school and loves to be fingered
i did Guglielmo's mom
by Jizz kalifa January 16, 2023
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Italian boy whose mother gets fucked by all his friends, he is loved from women, he has a huge ego although he is a really great friend.
Friend 1: I fucked Guglielmo’s mom today
Friend 2: yeah me to, he is such a great friend
by Cheddar cheese Chad November 22, 2021
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