A drunk friend after midnight. You don't feed them.
Don't tell drunk John where the pantry is. Last week, that Gremlin ate all my fuckin pop tarts! Fuck that guy
by This-is--drew February 18, 2017
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The way Raysfire calls Toad and Toadette on Super Mario Maker 2 for the Nintendo Switch
"The gremlins do be kinda schmovin tho"
by Not a wizard August 25, 2020
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i) younger, shorter brother or sister
ii) anyone ugly
i) "Get the hell out of my room, you stinky little gremlin!"
ii)"Oh my god-- That bitch is such a gremlin."
by all fo\\\' yoo July 17, 2003
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The ugliest bitch you have ever boned. Usually preceeded with adjectives to further explain why she is a gremlin.
Holy shit! Dan Fucked the horse-faced gremlin!
by Anonymous August 7, 2003
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A person of vile, conniving, manipulative or toxic nature, someone who will act in fiendish ways or weasily manner. Will always attempt to talk their way out of anything.
by Arabella12763 July 29, 2018
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To be extremely ugly. To have more than 1 row of teeth. To have breath that will make onions cry. To be incredibly bad at offensive lineman in the sport of American Football. To write phone numbers on your own arm, claiming to "bag bitches" and the numbers are your own and your mothers. A person that should not even be allowed to attend a game of football.
Wow, that kid is such a gremlin.
A: Whats that smell? B: Oh that Gremlin just breathed again.
by a WR November 2, 2010
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