A simplified definition of the genre of a piece of art, especially (but not limited to) music.
"It's electronica."
"Don't you mean it's post-hardcore apocalyptic punk indie synth pop?"
"Oh, I guess that was a bit of a genrelisation."
by ForsakenDAemon October 1, 2006
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To give a simplified definition of the genre of a piece of art, especially (but not limited to) music.
"It's electronica."
"Don't you mean it's post-hardcore apocalyptic punk indie synth pop?"
"Oh, I was genrelising."
by ForsakenDAemon October 1, 2006
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Inventing excessive, ridiculous and unnecessary sub-genres, cross-genres and meta-genres to describe a style of music, your personal taste in music or the music of a specific artist. Particularly prevalent in the fields of electronic dance music and extreme metal.
DJ: "I play kind of hyped-up progressive deep house with a kind of minimal/fidget flavour to it"
Everyone else: "Don't fucking genrelise mate"

Metaller: "I'm really into Nordic folk-deathcore and symphonic black grindcore the moment"
Everyone else: "Yeah? Great. So you like metal, right?"

Music journalist: "Have you heard of Aquacrunk? It's the new big thing from Glasgow. Everyone's talking about it"
Everyone else: "Aquacrunk? Are you fucking joking? Get a life mate."
by Genghis Kong February 12, 2009
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