The calculated risk of either an epic fart or shitting your pants.
Charlie: That was the best Enchilada of my life.
Nicole: Brace yourself, gamble farts are coming.
by CharlieCamelCase May 4, 2017
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-verb: to venture a game on the chance of an unintendid defecation when passing gas.
I tried to gamble on a fart and lost, i.e. I meant to fart and accidentally pooped in my pants.
by m-o-r-o May 28, 2009
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the risky decision to fart when there is a small chance the fart may turn into something more.
Shane took a real fart gamble when he passed gas at work the other day. The outcome couldn't of turned out any worse as the fart turned into fart lava.
by bigsmooth45 October 18, 2010
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When you're not sure whether its a fart or a turd, but you go for it anyways, you are embarking on the Poop-Fart Gamble.

If you win the gamble, you've only farted. If you lose, you just shit your pants.
I lost the poop fart gamble today at work. I had to waddle to the bathroom and ditched my boxers in the garbage. Fuck.
by honkbert March 15, 2008
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When you need to fart really really bad but, you are genuinely afraid you are gonna shit yourself. It is a risky roll of the dice.
I fart gambled with my boss in the elevator yesterday.
by jefeslifelesson August 6, 2017
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