Man I really hope the GMP works out this time.
by negative nancy13 November 2, 2011
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1. Short for 'Get Moar Pussy' the first and most prominent role of the BHE.

2. The act of getting as much pussy as humanly possible, no matter the situation or circumstance.

ex 1. Shit, Alex danced with like 25 biddies last night...he really knows how to GMP.

ex 2. Look at all those biddies on his lap! GMP!!!
by Chris_Breezy February 22, 2009
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Guaranteed Muff Plan

A guarantee for sex, getting it in.
Dude, I have a "GMP" for tonight!

Oh, you're getting it in? Nice bro!
by krowndeck April 11, 2011
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GMP is an abbreviation of Grand Master Pimp, a title held by only the most elite of pimps.
Neel has control of prostitutes in over one-hundred countries, using an elaborate system of regional pimps to maintain his pimp hand. Such power is only found with a true GMP.
by micsn January 12, 2006
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Abbreviation for Good Manufacturing Practice. This refers to a set of guidelines used by government regulated industris such as pharmaceutical companies.
These procedures do not follow current GMP per the reference documents.
by Sir Nick of Nasty January 21, 2016
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GMP is an abbreviation used to describe a growing film category in the adult film industry. GMP aka Gay Midget Porn was in high demand in late 2016 and has been presumed to grow in demand even further as we enter the early stages of 2017. It was a category first filled with low resolution and unconvincing actors, but now is swimming with truly gay midgets in 4k and 60 fps. This category is expected to soon merge with Granny porn due to the fetish holders behind GMP get bored with this occasionally prudish category.
"Hey man you check out that sick GMP on the pornhub home page?" - One GMP enthusiast to another

"Dude I cannot decide if my favorite part about GMP is the fact that the midgets could fit in your pocket or that they are gay together." - Albert Einstein
by GMP Master February 1, 2017
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