Acronym for "Giant Douche Bag". Someone whose doucebaggery has reached EPIC proportions. A bad friend.
Hey Chrissy...thanks for my coffee. Oh're a GDB.
by YMCMD September 5, 2013
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That gdb cheated on my friend while drinking Starbucks!
by Yo, June 14, 2020
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A car that people like because it is the most seen car on the road. People think they are cooler than GC8 because they have a turbo. They are driven by people who have a low i.q.
Tom: So how is your GDB.
Paul: Awesome. I have an awesomzor turbo!!

1 week later

Tom: So whats up?
Paul: I ran into a tree.
Tom: What happened?
Paul: While I was spoolin, I lost control.
Tom: Idiot
by moosedude2.5 January 24, 2009
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God damned business. Originated in the Bay Area, California.
"It's none of my GDB but I couldn't help but overhear that you were talking about Immortal Technique's new album."
by deluxeplux July 11, 2008
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A GDB is the phrase used when reffering to a God Damn Boss.
My typology is a GDB
by IMABOSz June 10, 2009
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What, you didn't save me a beer. That's some GDB.
by icthenet September 16, 2015
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internet acronym slang; stands for Go die beeetch!
Can use if u are cool!
Tony: whats up girl! Lets go fuck on-line!
Helen: Wtf! GDB!!!
by CinderellaIam January 28, 2010
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