The fulli version of a song is a fan-made extension (or loop) of said song. Fulli versions usually spring from TV animated series' OPs and EDs, where the insert songs are not yet (officially) released as the TV series was airing.
"What's wrong with this tune? Was it edited by a 5 year old?"
"Nope, it's just the fulli version."
by Xavi_ May 10, 2016
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A full beer. Used when you have finished a beer and want to replace an empty with a full beer
Hey, get rid of all these empties and bring me a fullie
by andypoirier August 10, 2013
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ya'll got them semi's, we got them fully's, lets swang them thangs then
by birdgame$crilla February 20, 2008
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Said to mean Really, Totally, Completely, a lot, very much so or to add emphasis to something.
Also said as an acknowledgement meaning O.K or I agree/concur. Said 'fulllllllleeeeee bro' in the west of Sydney or anywhere 'West' in Australia.
1. "I am fully sick of this shit!"
"You should fully quit."
"Fully Sick Bro!"
2. "I can't believe Jack is in LongBay!"
"Yeah, fully."
by Diego August 15, 2003
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Oh man, that was a fully!
by Dr. Wing January 16, 2005
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all those cans of beer that those drunk fucks opened and forgot were theirs after taking a sip and putting them down, they usually line beer pong tables and banisters and are abundant once the sun comes up
here's a's another fully...FUck there's enough fullies for another party here
by cock daniels October 2, 2011
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When a girls tittie pops out unexpectingly and your lucky to catch sight of it.
"Damn! You see Haley's tittie bust out?!"

"Now thats what I call a fully yo!"
by JaXson November 5, 2005
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