The correct way of celebrating when Trippier twatted in a free kick for England.
Fucking get in goal
by Benefits Cumberbatch September 6, 2018
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An exclamation of agreement or approval, similar to "Awesome" or "Fuckin A". Coined from the Engrish expression "Shine Get" from Super Mario Sunshine.
<Dude1> Hey, did the Patriots win again?
<Dude2> Yeah.
<Dude1> Fucking get!
by Gorillaz87 December 13, 2003
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A vague phrase with a meaning ranging from "Please fuck off" to "Viva la vida" to "An eye for an eye."
Used as a verb.
Person1: So why did you stop being friends with your homie?
Person2: Huge fight. Jerk took my girl.
Person1: That's betrayal. You alright?
Person2: He may have taken my girl, but I took his sister.
Person1: Way to go fuck and get fucked.
by Starlight Azure May 20, 2016
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A state reached when you're so tired, hungry, and unconcerned about your own (or your families) well being that you decide a bucket of fried chicken is your best option for dinner. Generally followed by deep remorse, self-loathing, and a serious contemplation of suicide.
After working a 12 hour grocery shift, and getting shit on by the dregs of humanity (aka his customer base), John had reached the "Fuck it, get a bucket" stage.
by arnie123 February 12, 2017
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1.) used to tell someone quickly and precisely that you do not approve of them or their actions

2.) to express one's immediate feelings of discontent
1.) get fucked!

2.) i hope your wearing lipstick, cause your gunna get fucked!
by -$Price$- November 26, 2006
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1) To express total disrespect to someone.

2) To exclaim disbelief at a statement made by someone else.
1) Go get fucked bitch - it aint mine.

2) Person A: I just won the lotto again!
Person B: Oh get fucked you did!
by markuz June 29, 2005
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