Used to be some white girl lip sync shit, but the dance community took it over. It's full of the one challenge dances.
Look at her on dubsmash she killt the woah!
by That ghetto bitch May 4, 2019
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A really cool app that lets you do mouth words to famous quotes and lines from movies or vines. Typically result in hilarious videos and provides endless hours of entertainment.
Girl: I made a dubsmash yesterday to that funny vine we were talking about!

Boy: Wow that's so cool! I love that app!
by prettybitch April 14, 2015
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An App that usually white girls use to make ''funny'' videos.Dubsmash works by doing mouth words to famous memes,vines,songs etc. A basic Dubsmash rule is that you should never make a Dubsmash vid in front of someone cause it will be painfully awkward, it will look like you are silently yelling on your phone screen while you are on drugs.
Jennifer:I I made a dubsmash with Jerome yesterday...
Mary: Must've been really awkward...
Jennifer: We later fucked each other.

*You are now going to witness an Asian guy making a Dubsmash video*
by whatyolookingatbeach April 24, 2016
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