When you sit down on the toliet after someone has "front porched" and your nuts touch the pile of fecal matter.
Bro.... wtf? I just used your bathroom and got drumsticked! Who Front Porched that????
by Gmillsman May 21, 2017
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Drumstick means:

(1:) A chicken drumstick; like the ones you find in KFC!
(2:) A type of delicious ice cream on a cone with fudge and chopped peanuts
(3:) The sticks you use for your drum
(4:) Penis.
(1:) I got a drumstick in my KFC.
(2:) The drumstick has some fine fudge on it.
(3:) I use a drumstick for my drum.
(4:) The man stuck his drumstick in the woman's anus.
by Ultraf0xDictionary June 7, 2014
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An amazingly delicious ice cream cone filled with chocolate and peanuts
Taylor: "Can i have a dollar"
Alex: "Why"
Taylor: "Cause i want one of those amazing delectable drumstick cones"
by yelsom8 March 16, 2008
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The act of thrusting a drumstick in and out of a girl's vagina.
Hey did you finger that girl?
Nah, I was drumsticking her instead.
by Pussydestroyer1337 January 30, 2017
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the action of several penises being slapped repeatedly against a willing female's face and head while receiving oral and hand pleasure
To get ready for the gangbang several guys gave Shelley a good drumsticking before the debauchery began.
by louisvilledookie March 25, 2011
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(verb) To insert one's penis between one's partner's thighs and thrust as if having sex. The etymology of the word coming, of course, from drumsticks, large pieces of meat with a bone in the middle.
I didn't have a condom but I couldn't go home with blue balls, so after I ate her out I told her to put her thighs together for a little drumsticking.
by Zefnex June 25, 2008
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I was pissed off because my sister took the last drumstick out of the KFC bucket of chicken.
by lisa cant January 9, 2007
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