(Drez-den Assassin)
1: An entirely ridiculous state of overkill when building something
2: Wearing over 50% of your body weight in plate armour is refered to as "Pulling a Dresdon"
3: A state of euphoria as an unstoppable juggernaught-your only weakness is having to run.

4: An amalgamation of Boba Fett from Star Wars and a Brotherhood of Steel heavy gunner created by a Canadian kid. 5: A cosplayer who raised the bar so high nobody can even see it anymore, and garnered an international cult following for being the most, literally, heavily armoured Mandalorian in the world.
6: The physical embodiment of a berzerking god of war, with a bigger onboard arsenal then an Imperial Class Star Destroyer
I can't believe you went full on Dresdon Acacin with this project, are you even going to be able to walk wearing all that armour?

A Dresdon Acacin is somebody who puts as much effort into building a suit of armour as building a damn house
by The Dresdon October 25, 2017
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an amazing guy who needs to realize his worth. he is handsome, smart, and funny, and has the kindest heart you will find.. and needs to realize that the girl he wants, wants him.
Girl: Did you see that boy?

Girl 2: Yeah, thats Dresdon, a boy whos worth it
by ……..me…… February 24, 2022
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