The boy's name Donald \d(o)-na-ld\ is pronounced DAHN-ald. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "great chief; world mighty". Donald is one of the clan names of Scotland.
Hi, my name is Donald.
by Tyler Session August 12, 2007
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A man who is smart, a man who knows what he is doing and is always successful, a great leader if they were a wolf they would follow him and make him alpha. A man that is bullied but always gets back to the top before that bully does. He will get a beautiful wife, and make good money from getting good grades in school. He will be the leader that brings us back up after a defeat that turns into a victory. A man who can run people into battle and come out victorious all the time. He doesn't let anyone push him or his family down. Nor will he let anyone push his success down. He is a man who can always win and will always win. Most people are mean to him because they are jealous they aren't him.
Bully - What's up stupid!
Donald - Good one. Can you come up with a more mature thing to say? Because you're 21 years old, not 12 years old.
Bully - "Tu" Whatever!
by poison_z October 18, 2017
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Donald is a kind, loving and charming man. He will turn heads as he walks through a room. He is a ladies man, and is very well liked by all the girls. A Donald is very flirtatious and lustful, and he is an easy person to catch feelings for.
I need me a Donald, because all these other guys are jerks.
by RealMamasBoy January 14, 2018
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Wow look at Donald there, he's a real pissant
by Haveetz October 5, 2019
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Some one who does a lot of talking with no action. Donald will have people thinking he will do something and will end up doing nothing. A big bullshitter.
You all talk, like Donald.

Dont start acting like Donald
by califonialiving December 20, 2016
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A person that is weak ass pussy that ain't bout shit and has no life outside of his selfie albums. He can't attract any ladies except for hairy Greek and Asian men with tiny penises to make him feel better. He walks funny because he always has a butt plug up his ass. Don't be like Donald.
Girl: "What is the over there?"
Boy: "Oh....That's a Donald."
Girl: "Should we kill it, it's so hideous."
by 1go2stop3dumbass March 20, 2017
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A once cherished childhood friend who becomes kind of a dickwad to all ethnic people or women or queer people- basically anyone who isn't a cis white male.
Man: Fukcing donald can suck my ass

Woman: That rapist is such a donald
by Idon'tsuck-iswear September 18, 2018
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