When you get dared to do something really crazy like shove your dick down a dead pig's mouth.
Mark: Why did you run around campus naked?
Kevin: I got David Cameroned into doing it
by J. Stern October 20, 2016
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When something got so hard it's all they can think about for two years but you go and chill on a beach in another country.
My friend got David Cameroned by her ex boyfriend last year and still talks about it the whole time, I swear if he wasn't in Costa Rica right now I'd break his fucking legs.

I heard Guardiola just David Cameroned Man City fingers crossed they'll get over it quickly.
by Largedwarf April 13, 2019
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A giant blue-blooded lizard from the Palaeolithic era that roams the United Kingdom.
British Man: Holy fuck, what's Godzilla doing HERE!?!
Another British Man: That's no Godzilla, that's a DAVID CAMERON!!!!
by TheBrownAvenger January 1, 2012
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a: Do you know who David Cameron is?
b: Of course I do. He's the one who fucked a pig isn't he?
by The one who never replies January 17, 2017
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Leader of the UK Conservative party. Ex Eton and thus Ex Oxford and thus lives in Notting Hill. Previously a PR guy. Bright, well educated Tory puppet that knows exactly what to say but doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Represents a party of white male hoorah Henry's that are primarily ministers for lunch. Particularly good at attractive sound bites that cannot be put into policies because most of his own party don't actually like what he's saying. The green issue is a good example. Occasionally flies to the Artic to play with huskies because he is worried about climate change. Tendency to cycle to work only to be followed by a Chelsea tractor (Range Rover) carrying his files. Would be hugely successful as leader of the UK Liberal Democrat party.
David Cameron: "I say George, I rather fancy giving that whole politics lark a go"
George: "Now that is an idea. You know daddies in the party. He'll be so very pleased. Now more importantly, where are we going to go for lunch"?
David: "Old Humprey's friend has just opened up a restaurant off the old Portobello. George old boy, give the Daily mail a ring I think I'm in the mood for a spot of cycling!"
George: "Bravo! Now where has Smithy got to with the roller"?
by T Carruthers October 6, 2006
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David Cameron: i will lead this country out of recession.

Whole Sane Population: fuck off back to eton you posh Cunt
by milezy July 2, 2010
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Current British Prime Minister.

Known for change... changing his mind, that is.

Expects us to hug hoodies... and I will do if I ever run into the hoodie who threw that egg at him the other week.

Got the country's hopes up of a referendum on the EU Constitution / Lisbon Treaty if he got into power, but withdrew the offer once it was clear he would win the next election.

Also known as Blair 2.0 because he's nothing more than a clone of Tony Blair.
Dude 1: Did you hear the news?

Dude 2: No, what's up?

Dude 1: David Cameron is now at Number 10.

Dude 2: So Tony Blair's back in power again?
by Chjris May 12, 2010
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