A term used in the popular television series archer to describe when krieger, and his clones pretend to bone each other at the same time.
Bring it in. Clone Bone !
by Clone bone. December 17, 2016
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Having sex with a woman who looks like your ex.
Tim: “Hey dude, I meet this girl that looks like Molly, and we boned.”
Bill:” So you had a clone bone.”
by Thick Rick 25 March 20, 2018
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When having sexual intercourse with a young tramp from behind, next to a window. Then you tag your friend in to take your place. You leave the room and go to the window and wave at the tramp.
"So I was giving this chick a clone bone and she said no wonder it got better all of the sudden."
by Ryanbrett March 26, 2010
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someone that is hating on you or talking shit;haters
-yo man that guy said my rhymes sucked
-Don't sweat it, they just a bunch of clones on your bone
by Mike Franks November 12, 2007
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