a great person enjoys avacados and memes. 10/10 person to hang out with. she makes you feel better instantly. cin is great
i feel really sad maybe i should call cin
by Pockybox March 13, 2017
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Italian way of toasting, or saying cheers. Formal.
"Here's your glass of Merlot, Don Luigi"
"Cin Cin"
by DomenicoV June 14, 2008
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"anatano cin cinwa chiisai desune?"
by ciriciao November 11, 2008
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pain ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ก but make it pretty ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’ž
- definition for any person that goes by the name cin (cyn, sin, cin and any variation of the name are also included)
dude 1 : i know a person named cin

dude 2 : they must be very beautiful but in an incredible amount of pain.
dude 1 : absolutely right sir
by cin_anti November 7, 2020
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Cin is a scary person that tries to suck out souls out of living males. Cin are usually females that show very little emotions of the outside but inside she has a killing intent.
when she starts to look you in the eye and she does not blush or show emotions she might be a cin
by tete the definer December 10, 2013
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the ?? loml ?? like hello pls kiss me i love you soso much ??!@!&@ :(( <33
by izzzzizizizizizizzzzzzzz August 21, 2021
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A short, affectionate term for Cincinnati. Used playfully when describing one's shameful exploits in the area.
Omg, I can't believe I drank a whole dozen beers last night. Me and this girl left, and talk about a night in Cin City!! What happens in Cincy stays in Cincy, right brother?
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