Girl don't try to front, i know just, just what you are...Charminizer, Charminzer!!!
by AustinJohn December 18, 2008
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toilet paper that makes it feel as if you are wiping your ass with clouds made out of silk.
After using Charmin, my anus felt clean and refreshed.
by Johnny December 21, 2003
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When a girls ass is so nice that you would lick it clean even if there was bits of toilet paper still lodged in the sphincter.

Can also be used as a hidden code word for a girl has a nice ass. Yelling “CHARMIN” out in public may get you a few glances, but the meaning will be lost of most.
Girl with fat ass walks by.

by Bennehftw May 27, 2021
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Something fun to squeeze. However, squeezing the charmin results in harassment from a certain Mr. Whipple.
Lady: It's so soft, so SQUEEZABLY soft!
Mr. Whipple: Please, don't squeeze the charmin!
by Charmin Squeezer June 17, 2004
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Nathan is known as charmin among the executives at tesoro.
by coastworm October 31, 2003
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An untrustworthy person, someone who lies or bullshits alot. Also defined as a slacker or someone weak; soft like toilet paper charm pronounced "sharm" is the abbreviated word. charmed "sharmed" To get played by someone
Yo stop charmin. I ain't got time for no charmin right now. Why you trying to charm me, huh? Yo he be charmin for no reason. "Yo man she straight charmin you, why you paying for her shit anyway?" Damn, you got charmed like that!?
by Mighty Mike September 19, 2007
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