The girl who always has a good time, a bubbly and funny person. The girl who is always making people laugh, and who is easily loved. The girl who is beautiful inside and out. The girl who has a stunning and rocking personality. The girl who is the best best friend ever, amazing all around!!She's one of a kind. :)
Carme is a smart little chic.. And I got a crush on her.
by Emei lou April 22, 2011
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When you're trying to say "Alright" but instead of using "Calm" you use "Carm"
Person 1: "hey give me the remote"
Person 2: " Carm"
by GranddadFACTS March 16, 2021
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wow she is so calm...she is a carm.
by Albert J. Ross jr. October 8, 2008
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C'est un nom de qualité. Une fille que je connais qui a ce nom ci a tout les mecs a ses pied. Si vous la rencontrer sachez que c'est de la chance que vous-avec ou vous-aurez!!!!
Carm-Orah est trop belle (hot) et elle a de beaux yeux
by CacaDMN November 29, 2021
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Elle est tellement belle, intelligente et taureausienne. Si vous la rencontrer vous serez choquées de la voir AVEC SES BEAUUUUUU CHEVEUX CRÉPUS.Si vous la rencontrer vous êtes chanceux ou chanceuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elle est talentueuse et belle
Carm-Orah est intelligente
by CacaDMN November 30, 2021
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The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, learn about Christian theology and the truth of Jesus.
CARM is a great website to learn about God.
by carmorg May 30, 2022
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