Mated for life, never going to be parted in this life or the one to come.

See broke.
We're beyond married, man, we're broken.
by Col. Dr. April 24, 2006
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Typically used in the workplace, something becomes "Broken" when a person wants to avoid doing a job involving a certain piece of machinery by claiming that it isn't functioning properly.
Mr. Stevens : Carlos, I need 5 copies of this on my desk by sundown!

Carlos : Sorry sir the copier is "Broken" right now.

Mr. Stevens : The copier is always "Broken" when I ask you to use it!
by K-grind August 17, 2009
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1. (General) Something/Someone that is so good in a particular context that it eclipses saecond place.

2. (Games) A game object or facility that is too good to exist. It is so powerful that it is unbalancing and hence breaks the game. Every winning player has to use this to be competitive.

Entymology: The power cards from Magic The Gathering (Black Lotus, Time Walk, Ancestral Recall, all Moxen, etc) were so powerful and unbalancing that they were eventually banned from tournament play because they BROKE the game.
Bobby Fisher is a completely broken chess player.

by Anonymous April 22, 2003
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when something that's already broken is breaking some more
oh man my computer is brokening, it won't turn on yesterday and today i accidentally spilled water on it.
by exfuldant August 5, 2011
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1. Not in full working order.
2. fucked rooted
3. Mentally unfit - Usually from emotional scars left by ex's.
1. It seems to be broken.
2. Its fucking broken man!
3. She's broken.
by louis October 17, 2001
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