The absolute sweetest guy ever! Braden is the kind of guy who will always stand by you no matter what and will always have your back. He can be a little insane sometimes, but never ceases to amaze with his incredible sweetness. He is always smiling and is such a sweetheart. He is the perfect person to be around, especially if you need a good giggle. He’s always finding ways to be a super hero and save the day. He is so wonderful and anyone who gets a chance to know him is very blessed!
Braden is the person who can always make you smile and will always save your day
by giggle princess August 7, 2011
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Braden. Braden is a weirdo. To be quite honest, sometimes you won't know what the hell he is talking about, and that's what's great about him. He's got these crazy ideas that probably sound more sensible in his head. He's always laughing, even though he may be going through dark times.

He has these crazy pretty green eyes, that remind you of some old chair in some antique shop; charming and filled with secrets of the past, just waiting to be discovered. Evert single time he smiles, everything just seems to disappear into space and everything seems like it'll be okay. He's also got lots of messy blondish gray hair, and wonderful eyebrows.

If you know anyone similar to this Braden, don't you EVER mess it up, because this person is probably one of the most valuable in your life. Don't let them go.
"I would totally understand if you had a crush on Braden. He's bangin!"
by begonethotokbye October 20, 2019
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so I was sitting there with BBQ sauce on my titties
braden sat there with BBQ sauce on his titties
by bigboi295 December 9, 2017
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Braden is a person who will give you his shoulder to lean on, and will patiently listen to anyones personal problems. He teaches you how to handle life seriously, and  how to solve your problems by facing it without any fear. He knows how to make a girl smile and forget about the rest of the world. He will give you a mysterious sort of eye contact that will kill you.... In a good way. Braden will cheer you up no matter what kind of a day you have had. He is an easy-going, handsome, smart, and hard working young man. Braden will make you feel like there is no need to compete for any other chick because he will accept you for who you are.  Braden is not the type to judge anybody so when you want to be yourself and show your true colours then he is the perfect person to be with. Braden is truly the real prince charming.
Girl: I think i met myself a Braden <3
Girlfriend: Your the luckiest girl in the world.
by Cheygirl96 January 8, 2012
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the perfect boyfriend. one that will tell you sweet things, kiss you in the rain, play with you in the snow. one that knows your beautiful and isn't afraid to tell you. the kind of boy any girl would want.
girl 1: i just got a braden for christmas!
girl 2: i hate you thats what i wanted!
by cutie_booty December 16, 2008
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Braden is possibly the most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He's perfect, inside and out. He's sweet, silly, nice, caring, genuine, insightful..ect. He can be stubborn but thats just what makes him.. him! He is also very attractive. Like, woah.! Perfect hair, adorable smile, gorgeous eyes... He'll make you melt. ;D
He's so amazing, he must be a Braden.
by The_girl_who_was December 9, 2012
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Braden is a kind and caring individual, although he may seem uncaring and harsh at times. He has a beautiful smile you could never get tired of seeing, and a laugh that will brighten your day. He has an amazing personality and is very popular will all types of people. He has a very outgoing exterior, but on the inside Braden wants to be alone with his thoughts and someone who understands him. He is book smart as well as athletic, and the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He has a very short tolerance for people he dislikes, but may be too worried about being unproblematic to say something. A Braden may be known as a player, but in reality he is very loyal and is looking for the right person. You are lucky to have Braden in your life. Once you have him in your life, NEVER lose him!
Braden is so sweet!
by GoGoJuice77 August 7, 2019
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