Boxman is an invention by smosh on youtube where a man is a box. There are several videos about his, one of the most hilarious is 'Boxman has a girlfriend'
Whoa! Is that Boxman and his new gf??!!
by hannahHORROR July 11, 2008
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"Look at that boxman who just used those donations to purchase alcohol and drugs."
by Dargar November 15, 2006
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Man who licks pus*y
"That breh is a boxman"
by Motive January 8, 2009
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A term used to define a male period- when a man somehow bleeds by his penis if it were to get cut.
Oh Dang Johnny! A BoxMan! give me some towels and bandaids, stat!
by Chris Rizice January 5, 2008
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The stable freefall position in skydiving. Often refered simply as "box".

In the boxman, the skydiver keeps his or her arms on 90 degree angle ahead, head up and body arched, and legs extended and slightly apart, with shins and feets on 90 degree angle up. The idea is to get the center of gravity as low as possible.
Finding the stable boxman position is the main purpose of the first student jumps on skydiving training curriculum.
by Susanna Viljanen July 17, 2017
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A drunk superhero who makes things worse when trying to make things better.
Person1: Don’t worry I’ll call Boxman!
Person2: NO NONO!
by The one and only Boxman August 9, 2021
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Boxman is a kick ass superhero who will find youre special one and kick him in the balls

He probably know youre adress
Dude i just stoled that tv ... Ow shit boxman is comming ...
by Boxman March 12, 2017
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