1. Doing something amazingly / 'like a boss'

Pronounced bah-ouss
1. Guy 1 "Dude why did you do that? You could have caused so much shit."

Guy 2 "Cause I'm a bouss."
by The Bouss. March 12, 2010
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I AN I SPOKES EPERSON FOR CLORIOX. A bousss is someoemnan who cleanss the toilets thru using pistols and othere small-arms wopons . I no thiS!!
by thedavinator12 April 24, 2005
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a phrase pioneered by the rapper Rick Ross meant to show dominance or superiority.
Chris McGuig is a Bouss!

Ima Bouss! he exclaimed

I was sitting there looking at it and you know what it said to me?

your dick was speaking to you?

yea and u know what it said? "Ima Bouss"
by jax171 November 28, 2009
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noun A really funny way of pronouncing “Boss
by Devil’s Taxi Driver December 20, 2021
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Spot where everything is ruled by our god Long . How Pasteurian call the house.
Get in the truck where going to La maison longue de Ayah bouss-haa-ba . You can go praise Long .
by Long dip September 22, 2020
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