The most sucking band ever to emerge on the rock scene.
They are good at making young girls wet their pants, though, singing about i'll-die-for-you-i-will-always-love-you kind of shit. They suck even harder when they try to sound like a real rock band.
Oh, this bon jovi's faggot voice really piss me off!
by shakhan December 7, 2005
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Possibly the best rock band to ever put out an entire album of power ballads (Slippery When Wet). Led by singer Jon Bon Jovi, the band is one of the few to make the transition from the 80's hair metal scene to the alternative nineties. Liked mostly by girls, and currently not cool in the public's eye, but we all know that they rocked pretty hard.
"Whoa, we're halfway there/ WhooOAA, livin' on a prayer"
by 7620 August 29, 2005
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A decent singer and band who get a lot of hate simply because they are not as metal or rock as other bands. Criminally underrated, the only people who hate Bon Jovi are people who listen to songs that make zero sense. Bon Jovi's songs are known for packing many emotions and telling stories about hard-working and respectful working-class people, unlike those horrible metal bands like Metallica who scream random bullshit.
Metallica fan: Oh man, Bon Jovi songs suck!
Any other normal human: At least their songs make sense and tell beautiful stories! What does Metallica sing about?
Metallica fan: ...I'm tired of this conversation.
by RWBYSanctum April 17, 2016
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One of the most incredible bands of all time. Many people judge them by some of the latest albums which aren't half as good as the early songs. Best songs include:livin' on a prayer, these days, just older, mystery train, in these arms, bed of roses, damned, diamond ring and so much more I can't name them. One of the few non-druggy bands around.
Some Guy with a good grasp of English: Bon Jovi are wicky-bo init
Another guy:Aye, man...dey is kickin.
by Billy Whizz June 3, 2006
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Great, Happening, fantastic.

Opposite - Non Jovi
Dude, that tune is Bon Jovi

Man, this sandwich is bon jovi!
by wheeeee June 23, 2004
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