"Oh, I'll go out with him, but he's not getting anywhere near my Billy Bush!"
by Holmebrew October 19, 2016
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A self righteous asshole who thinks he is better than everyone else. Someone who hates on others because he is jealous of what they have.
Why did they give Howard the job? I deserve it more than he does.
Dude - He's better than you. Quit being such a Billy Bush.
by Robert Abuey December 29, 2011
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When a bunch of guys engage in a full weekend or a brief vacation with the primary intent to violate women (ex. Pussy grabbing)
Donald Trump, Billy Bush and friends planned a huge Billy Bush weekend during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and they even filmed a clip of the conversation on tour bus.
by Liadi Aaron September 13, 2017
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