A strong name that refers to one who has intelligence. In German, this referred to a person who gave good advice. Later, it became a nickname for those who were very funny.
That Bauman says the best jokes!
by markkelvin January 25, 2012
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a super cute and sweet actress who also loves sinning. she's RIPPED and has great abs. what an angel
"I'd let Elise Bauman bench press me if she wanted to."
by #1 elise stan May 13, 2016
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A crooked bastard who owns ebaum's world and makes millions off of stolen flash games and short cartoons. Sites like albino blacksheep, something awful, and YTMND have joined forces to try and get his site erased. He's also hated by 99 out of 100 people.
eric bauman=gayest faggot in the world
by Big LJ August 20, 2006
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A badass who is in love with a broody gay vampire on the web series 'Carmilla'
Elise Bauman should go ahead and marry Natsha Negovanlis. They're the real 'otp'
by Elise Bauman February 14, 2016
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The devil behind ebaumsworld. Steals content from other websites without permission and puts it on his website to get more hits, and more money. Suprisingly, some people were completely unaware of this until http://www.ebaumsworldsucks.com launched.

Eric Bauman is a money hungry asshole.
by CheezNapkin February 4, 2006
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The act of causing collaterral damage during an extended period of heavy drinking. The collateral damange typically involves family members and MUST last longer than the hangover incurred from the bender itself.
Although my hangover has subsided from my Bauman Bender, I must now explain to my wife why I have a tattoo of an ex girlfriend on my arm.
by witnessed it October 26, 2011
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