steamy pile of shit, it can be any kind, though mostly the warm sticky kind is implied.
also used as an insult or quantifier
Just took a wicked brole, dude!

That looks like total brole.

Piss off, ya brole!
by ShotglassSerenade January 19, 2011
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Anjali and Amalia ; two cool girls who like drugs and are part of the B66. we are cooler than everyone else and everyone wants to be us. Two bros who care for each other and will always be there
They are such brolings...wish i was them
by coolfishinthesea March 2, 2017
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Do you see how much that guy can lift!? Man, that guy is a brole.
by big_broski June 24, 2018
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brolee is the most awesome best friend anyone could have, Along with being a total clown.
WOW, I wish i was as cool as Brolee.
by FineNigguh November 29, 2011
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Two men who are buddies but also look up to each other
Eric I got mad respect for you buddy!
For real my man! We be brole models.
by spx10 January 14, 2011
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Abbreviation of "Broletariate Shift" or the means by which items / fashions / alcoholic beverages cease to be considered part of the main stream and are seen as caricatures of the frat-boy / Brosciety.
Leather sandals, polo shirts, and aviators have all suffered from a high degree of Brole shift, no longer wearable in tandem without instantly labeling the wearer as a Bro.
by Soniti1324 December 6, 2010
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noun- 1.A bro whom is so chill that he can teach non-bros how do be more chill. 2.The supreme bro that all other bros respect without question.
1: Hey, where's Kevin?
2: Oh, Kevin's teaching some non-bro how to be chill.
1: Bro, he's a brotal Brole Model to bros everywhere.
2: You brow it, bro.
by NickBrolillo December 4, 2010
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